
It's likely that not everyone owns every season of Doctor Who like me, so I decided to list the air times.  It's airing kind of late, which is a shame. Clearly BBC America did not realize that the Giveback Countdown was going on! :-)

And for those of us who can't read the base code of the universe?
April 23, 2011... Series 6's time.

Since I'm in the States, I will be listing the air times for BBC America. All of the Series 5 episodes are available on demand from Netflix and some of the episodes are on demand with Comcast. Check your cable though, because it may be different than mine.

The Series 6 Premiere is on April 23rd at 9:00pm EDT/PDT (7:00pm CDT).

BBC America Series 5 Air Times:
(all times in EDT/PDT)

April 18
5pm - The Eleventh Hour
6pm - The Beast Below

April 19
10am - The Eleventh Hour
11am - The Beast Below
5pm - The Time of Angels
6pm - Flesh and Stone

April 20
10am - The Time of Angels
11am - Flesh and Stone
5pm - Vampires of Venice
6pm - Amy's Choice

April 21
10am - Vampires of Venice
11am - Amy's Choice
5pm - The Hungry Earth
6pm - Cold Blood

April 22
10am - The Hungry Earth
11am - Cold Blood
5pm - Vincent and the Doctor
6pm - The Lodger
7pm - The Pandorica Opens
8pm - The Big Bang
(9pm through 3am-ish are the Doctor Who Specials with David Tennant, Vale Decem!)

April 23 (YAY!)
Get your running shoes on,
it's a DW Marathon!
6am - The Eleventh Hour
7am - The Beast Below
8am - Victory of the Daleks
9am - The Time of Angels
10am - Flesh and Stone
11am - Vampires of Venice
12pm - Amy's Choice
1pm - The Hungry Earth
2pm - Cold Blood
3pm - Vincent and the Doctor
4pm - The Lodger
5pm - The Pandorica Opens
6pm - The Big Bang
7pm - A Christmas Carol (Christmas special)
8pm - Doctor Who Rewind (a look back at season 5)
9pm - The Impossible Astronaut 
10pm - A Christmas Carol
11pm - Doctor Who Rewind

April 24
(Just in case you forgot to DVR it)
12am - The Impossible Astronaut
1am - A Christmas Carol
2am - Doctor Who Rewind
3am - The Impossible Astronaut
4am - The Pandorica Opens
5am - The Big Bang

Please note that the only time Victory of the Daleks is airing is April 23 at 8:00am.